Andrew, who lives and works in West Gippsland, has been an active and busy marriage celebrant since 2013 and loves conducting outdoor weddings. He has a friendly, happy personality and his ceremonies are always relaxed and laid back, with a few laughs, and not too long. He will work with you to make your ceremony a special and memorable one that is about you and he is happy to accommodate beliefs, rituals and symbolism.
He will provide you with all the information, options, samples and examples you need for your ceremony, as well as assistance with the legal requirements and marriage documents. After your ceremony he will register your marriage with B.D.M.
He charges an all-inclusive fee, which includes travelling to meet with you, writing your ceremony, conducting a rehearsal, and of course your wedding. He uses a professional P.A system and will purchase and play all the music for your ceremony. Andrew looks forward to hearing from you to discuss your ideas for your wedding.