Quickly & easily find the perfect Marriage Celebrant for your special day

Wendy McRae

Do You love to go to work?
I do

Every day, and particularly when I open my diary and see I have a wedding at the weekend, I smile!
You know what I love about my job? The people!
In my position I have met such a lot of really, lovely people! Not had a bridezilla …… yet!
And I feel that the rehearsal is such a great way of anticipating the big event.
Imagine this ..,. Parents and bridal party have all come from work for the rehearsal – usually 4 to 5 days before the actual day.
Lots of smiling faces and chatter and jokes ….. normally about the grooms recent bucks night!

I remember very well the occasion when a rehearsal was the afternoon where the bucks ‘do’ had been the night before!

Boys arrived together – very pale faces – hardly said a word!

Girls smiled knowingly….. Priceless!!


I can guarantee that your wedding will be JUST as YOU imagined it to be….. however long you have been planning it or dreaming about it.


Please call me to have a chat ….. I can answer so many of your questions and they don’t need to be ‘ceremony’ related, as I have lots of experience. You don’t need an expensive ‘wedding planner’ to give you the tips and advice I can give to all couples about almost anything …bonbonierre’s, flowers, photographers and timing the day.

Call me!


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